Unraveling Pi: Origins, Digits, and Infinite Possibilities

(Image Credit: istockphoto.com)

June 28, 2023

Tsz Kiu Amanda Leung

9th Grade

Diocesan Girls' School

We all have encountered this symbol, π (“pi”),  in our math and science classes. It might seem complicated, irrational, or transcendental, and it goes on without any patterns emerging. But pi is simply defined as the ratio of the circumference of a perfect circle to its diameter. The first ten digits of pi are 3.141592653… and it goes on forever. 

The earliest records of pi date back to 2000 BCE from the Babylonians, who estimated pi to be 3.125. They, along with ancient Egyptians, recognized that pi was a constant ratio that is true for any circle. The famous mathematician Archimedes made better approximations by inscribing and circumscribing a circle with polygons of an increasing number of sides. By increasing the number of sides, further digits of pi can be obtained, since a circle is a shape with infinite sides. However, this method is extremely tedious and complicated, making it difficult to calculate more digits of pi.

Near the end of the 17th century, Sir Issac Newton developed a faster, more efficient way to calculate pi. He utilized infinite series to compute pi using calculus. Now, there are lots of ways to calculate pi, such as the Chudnovsky algorithm, a convergent series leading to pi, or the Bailey-Borwein-Plouffe (BBP) formula that generates digits of pi without needing to compute preceding ones. 

We have currently calculated 100 trillion digits of pi. This record by Google took 157 days, 23 hours, 31 minutes, and 7.651 seconds to set and used the Chudnovsky algorithm, with the results verified using the BBP formula.

But why do we even need so many digits of pi? The Jet Propulsion Laboratory of NASA uses 3.141592653589793 for pi in their highest accuracy calculations. If we consider the largest circle we can conceive of - the universe, which has a radius of 46 billion light years -  only 38 digits of pi are needed to achieve an accuracy of the diameter of a hydrogen atom. Rather than calculations for physical space, computing pi has become a benchmark test for computers. Calculating such a large number of digits of pi is a real challenge that requires a lot of computing power. However, it is also verifiable, which means that we can find out if the hardware and software of a computer perform correctly. 

We often have the misconception that pi is only associated with circles. In fact, pi appears everywhere in mathematics and is not limited to the areas and volumes of cones and cylinders learned in high school. It appears in the normal distribution (the bell curve), which is the most important distribution in statistics, in the famous Euler’s formula e+1=0, and in the Fourier series that transmits data and compresses audio signals. It is part of the solution to the Basel problem and appears inside prime regularities.

An interesting example of calculating pi appears in colliding objects. In stark contrast to the formulae above, this way of finding pi is entirely deterministic and incredibly simple. By “colliding” in a dynamical system of two billiard balls and a perfectly inelastic object, assuming zero friction, air resistance, and perfectly elastic collisions, we can find pi by counting the collisions. "To obtain an accuracy of N decimal digits, one needs just to take the balls with the appropriate masses: the ratio of the masses should be chosen to be the N th power of 100 (Galperin, 2003)." For example, a 1kg block (block A) heading towards a wall collides with another 1kg block (block B) in front of the wall. In a perfectly elastic collision, they exchange velocities, causing block B to collide with the wall and bounce back, keeping the speed but changing direction. Block B has a perfectly elastic collision with block A, making three collisions in total. If we increase the mass of block A to 100kg, it retains most of its inertia during the collision with block B. The number of collisions increases to 31. By continuing this cycle - 314, 31415, 314159…, we find pi. 

In STEAM, pi is inescapable. It is also impossible to compute all the digits of pi. Despite the obscurity that some might feel when told pi is irrational and transcendental, it is still a beautiful piece of mathematics and lies in the foundation of our modern world.

Reference Sources

Bogart, Steven. “What Is Pi, and How Did It Originate?” Scientific American, 17 May 1999, 


G. Galperin, “Playing Pool with π (The Number π from a Billiard point of view)” -REGULAR AND CHAOTIC DYNAMICS, V. 8, No4, 

2003, DOI: 10.1070/RD2003v008n04ABEH000252, Received December 9, 2003


Haruka Iwao, Emma. “Calculating 100 Trillion Digits of Pi on Google Cloud | Google Cloud Blog.” Google, 9 June 2022, 


“Pi.” Encyclopædia Britannica, 17 May 2023, 


Rayman, Marc. “How Many Decimals of Pi Do We Really Need? - Edu News.” NASA, 14 Mar. 2023, 


Weisstein, Eric W. "Pi." From MathWorld--A Wolfram Web Resource. 
