How Technology Has Changed the World of Sports

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(Image Credit: South China Morning Post)

January 8, 2024

Ridhi Garg

11th Grade

Williamsville East High School


The world of sports has been significantly transformed through the influence of technology. With millions of passionate fans around the world supporting their favorite athletes in diverse sporting disciplines, sports have become a separate realm of excitement and competition. Over the years, the sporting industry has witnessed remarkable growth, and the introduction of innovative technologies has further facilitated this expansion. While the range of technologies implemented in sports is extensive, VAR and virtual reality have made a particularly positive impact on the field.

Video Assistance Referees

The incorporation of Video Assistant Referee (VAR) systems stands out as a prime instance where technology has profoundly affected the world of sports. VAR assists referees in making decisions when they are unable to or encountering difficulty in reaching a judgment during games. This technology has been instrumental in ensuring fair play, as human errors are inevitable in officiating. Soccer, commonly known as football in many countries, is where VAR is most frequently utilized.

According to an article published on the PFSA website, there are specific steps involved in reviewing an incident using VAR technology, which provides a better understanding of its functioning. Firstly, when an incident occurs, the VAR either recommends that the main referee review the footage or the referee themselves inform the VAR about the incident. Subsequently, the VAR analyzes the footage and transmits messages to the referee regarding the observations made from the footage. Ultimately, the decision-making process rests with the referee, who may opt to follow the VAR's advice or choose to personally view the footage and reach a decision independently.

Virtual Reality

Virtual reality has indeed made a significant impact on the sporting industry. In addition to its success in the gaming industry, virtual reality has become a valuable tool for athletes to enhance their training and performance. Unlike traditional methods, virtual reality offers a unique and immersive experience, allowing athletes to feel as though they are actively participating in their respective sports. This level of realism helps to keep athletes engaged and motivated during training sessions.

(Image Credit: Sportsmith)

Moreover, virtual reality has become a crucial tool for injured athletes during their rehabilitation process. It provides a safe and controlled environment where athletes can gradually regain their strength and skills without the risk of further injury. This aspect of virtual reality has been highly beneficial in preventing setbacks and aiding in a smooth transition back to the field.

Virtual reality has also proven to be incredibly effective in refining specific skills. Golf putting and ball catching are just a few examples of areas where athletes can fine-tune their techniques using virtual reality simulations. This technology allows athletes to practice and improve their skills in a controlled environment, leading to better performance on the field.

Overall, virtual reality has revolutionized sports training by providing athletes with an innovative and engaging platform for practice and skill development. With its numerous benefits, it is no wonder that virtual reality has become an essential tool in the sporting industry.


The sporting industry has experienced unprecedented advancement thanks to technology. Examples of such technological advancements include VAR and virtual reality, which have significantly aided athletes and propelled the industry forward. The overall impact of technology in sports has been undeniably positive, and it is clear that this trend will continue to shape and enhance the world of sports.

Reference Sources

Brownlee, Tom. “Virtual reality for sports training: Can VR help athletes?” Science for Sport Accessed 19 December 2023.

Guide, Step. “Sports Technology: How It's Changing The Game.” Jobs in Sports, 12 January 2022, Accessed 19 December 2023.

“VAR Explained: What is it and How Does it Work?” Professional Football Scouts Association Accessed 19 December 2023.