About Us

STEAM News is a teen-run digital platform that connects students with passions for STEM from schools middle and high schools across the globe. Our community is built of people with burning questions about something going on in a STEM field. STEAM News is the platform for them to find answers, whether by reading one of our many (over 100!) teen-written articles or by conducting research and sharing what they’ve learned with the world. 

Noa Essner and Maya Puterman — our Co-Founders — created STEAM News in 2022 after struggling to find opportunities for them to pursue their passions for STEM and writing, and decided to create a platform not just for themselves, but that would be accessible to any teen regardless of their school or country. STEAM News’ goal is for teens to be curious, and the benefits of joining us are invaluable. Whether you love to write, research, lead teams, graphic design, or entrepreneurship, our platform truly has something for everyone. 

For instance, our platform will publish your writing online FOR FREE. There is no application necessary, you simply need to fill out a quick form to indicate your interest in article topics. Publishing your writing online has never been easier or more accessible. You can write as many articles as you’d like. We’ve even helped contributing writers assemble article portfolios which they’ve submitted as part of their college applications. If you’ve done research or written a research paper in the past, we will publish it as well! We don’t want finding a place to publish his or her work to be an obstacle preventing students from conducting research or being curious. 

If you don’t have summer plans, — or if you do and you’d like an additional resume booster — this is the easiest summer opportunity to conduct STEM research online. Whether you’re applying to college or a different STEM program in the future, writing for STEAM News is a great way to fill your time in a that is both completely flexible to your schedule and impressive to admissions committees. 

For students who simply love to write, you may receive edits on your articles not just for content, but also for grammar, structure, and flow.  Our editing team will work with you to refine each one of your pieces so that you can grow as a writer. 

We offer leadership opportunities during the school year (which you can learn more about HERE), including starting a STEAM News chapter. We publish articles weekly (which we promote with graphic design posts on our Instagram) and a newsletter every two weeks.  

If joining STEAM News interests you, then welcome! We are so excited to have you on our team, and make sure to check out our ‘Join Us’ page for more information. Alternatively, if you know someone who would be a great fit for STEAM News, then make sure to recommend them HERE

We can’t wait to have you join our team!

Check out these photos from our latest STEM Career Mentorship Session! These events host different STEM professions, who share how they broke into their fields, advice for teens, as well as helpful resources. The highlight of every session is the Q&A portion, where children and teens can ask the professionals all their burning questions about their careers, or about STEM in general! These sessions are always live, and we host them either on Zoom or Instagram Live. 

Photos from past events!

(Top left: STEM game session co-hosted by STEAM News and STEM Unites; Bottom left: STEAM News at NY Science Olympiad 2023; Right: STEAM News at the New York Hall of Science's 2024 STEM Career Exposition)