Chocolate: Its Toxicity to Dogs vs. Its Health Benefits for Humans

(Image Credit: Petful)

December 20, 2024

Ares Nguyen 

11th Grade

Fountain Valley High School

Have you ever wondered what makes chocolate so toxic to dogs, but normal for humans? Maybe even healthy in some aspects. Or has it ever come to your mind that “it can’t hurt to give him a little bit!” This question often circulates the minds of many dog owners. To be frank, chocolate can, unfortunately, be the most poisonous thing you feed your dog. 

Chocolate can be extremely toxic to dogs because of the component theobromine, which is an alkaloid that causes the central nervous system to be stimulated with hyperactivity in both the cardiac and respiratory systems. Dogs are not able to metabolize theobromine in the same manner that us humans can, causing the dog to be very sensitive to the chemical and its effects. 

The effects caused from exposure to theobromine is manageable in human bodies, but is too much for a dog’s nervous system to handle. This sensory overload on their nervous system causes gastrointestinal effects, hyperactivity, tachycardia, which is a heavy overstimulation in the heart that can nearly double a dog's heart rate due to a very rapid rate of blood flow being inputted into the dog’s heart. This overstimulation in the dog’s central nervous system is not always the case, depending on the size of the dog and how much was consumed. Death is also very rare and in most cases, dogs are able to fully recover from eating chocolate. On the contrary, some dogs experience seizures or arrhythmia, which is a side effect taken in the heart, giving the dog an abnormal rhythm in their heartbeat. 

Chocolates are often seen as an unhealthy delicacy to us humans, known for its rich and sweet taste. However, these little treats actually contain many various health benefits to humans. These health benefits can include consistent weight management, increased heart health, fights against diabetes, reduced stress, improved brain function, etc. Dark chocolate carries a large amount of antioxidants, which studies have been shown to suggest could lower a loss of memory and lower cholesterol levels. Another huge benefit that can be seen is a loss of acne in moderation of consumption, as well as a decrease in aging due to loss of stress, regulation of blood pressure, and decreased risk of atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis is a disease that can lead to heart attack, stroke, dementia, etc.

As humans develop, it is clear that the key difference between humans and dogs lies within the digestive system. This is proven through the digestion of theobromine between dogs and humans, and how it poses a threat to dogs, but brings health benefits to humans. As dogs develop and grow, responsible pet owners should teach them that certain foods should not be consumed, such as chocolate and other foods. Dogs have emotions just like us and can learn this through passive teaching.

Reference Sources

Bates, Nicola. “Chocolate Toxicity.” Companion Animal, vol. 20, no. 10, Oct. 2015, pp. 579–82,

Johns Hopkins Medicine. “The Benefits of Having a Healthy Relationship with Chocolate.”,

Nordqvist, Joseph. “Chocolate: Health Benefits, Facts, and Research.”, 17 July 2018,

Primovic, Debra. “Normal Vitals for a Dog | BEVS.”, 30 Sept. 2015,

“Rapid Heart Rate in Dogs.”

Schmid, Renee, and Ahna Brutlag. “Chocolate Poisoning in Dogs.” Vca_corporate, 2009,