Meet the Team
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Hello! My name is Noa Essner, I am a senior at the Ramaz School, and I live in Westchester, New York.
Though my favorite category of STEAM is science, I have an immense appreciation for each of the other four categories.
While I've heard the term "STEAM" used numerous times in my science and math classes growing up, it wasn't until a few years ago that I realized my interest in these topics transcended my love of simply learning about them in a classroom. Everything I've learned or I've read related to STEAM has long resonated with me, and this interest turned quickly into a profound love and excitement for it, which I still maintain to this day.
For me, STEAM has always been and continues to be a symbol of empowerment and innovation. When I was younger, the expectation of conforming to the interests of others left me feeling that being interested and excited about math, science, and technology was not normal. My goal is to share my love for it with the world so that it might empower someone else the same way it did me.
I hope that STEAM News will help spread awareness of current, STEAM-related endeavors and promote the necessity of protecting the environment both in the Earth's atmosphere and beyond it.
Thank you to all our readers, writers, and editors, for helping me take this vision and turn it into a compelling reality. Without you, this project wouldn't be possible. I know that a community of teens interested in STEAM is something I would have appreciated years ago. Going forward, I know that together we will bring STEAM News to great lengths, and I'm eager to see in what new ways STEAM News will change the world.
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Hi! My name is Maya Puterman, I am a senior at the Ramaz School, and I live in New York City.
Though I am passionate about all the different categories of STEAM, my favorite areas are engineering and technology.
My passion for STEAM is rooted in my creative personality. Since I was a little girl, I would always discover new problems and come up with creative means of solving them.
As an example, growing up knowing that global warming is harming our planet and that human waste is one of the main reasons, I became cognizant of how much paper we waste on a daily basis and its negative impacts on the planet. I came up with a way to turn regular paper reusable by making it dry-erase, so one sheet of paper can be used an infinite amount of times. I am now the founder of, a site selling reusable paper products, where I donate 10% of the proceeds to planting trees in Africa. Planting trees is one of the most vital steps to prevent the imminent threat of climate change.
The truth is that I wasn't always passionate about STEAM. After being introduced to the topic, in retrospect I realized how much I was missing out beforehand. STEAM is the future. I had the idea to start STEAM News in order to spread my passion for STEAM with other kids around the world, as well as inspire others to have a passion for STEAM as well.
I hope that STEAM news will spread an awareness for STEAM and get more teens around the world involved, as I myself wish I would have done sooner. I also hope to create a community of like-minded teens who have a passion for STEAM and to further help them discover their passion for different areas of STEAM as well.
I would like to thank our amazing team and give a huge shout out to our supportive community of readers as well as our incredible team of writers, who are shaping the future of the world.
Aashna Chavan
DuPont Manual High School, USA
Arielle Nguyen
Fountain Valley High School, USA
Ashley Chan
Graphic Designer
Bronx High School of Science, USA
Ashley Rechtschaffen
Chapter President
Ramaz Upper School, USA
Audrey Tran
Graphic Designer/Chapter President
Fountain Valley High School, USA
Edward Shabatayev
Collaborations Director
Leon M. Goldstein High School for the Sciences, USA
Gianna Goldfarb
Marketing Director/Photography
Ramaz Upper School, USA
Haylee Ramlakhan
Online Events Coordinator
The Scholar's Academy, USA
Janessa Angela Alerre
Chapter President
George Washington High School, Guam
Jasmine Nguyen
Graphic Designer/Chapter President
Fountain Valley High School, USA
Jessica Dennehy
Williamsville East High School, USA
Juan Valenciana
Chapter President
St. Francis Preparatory School, USA
Lindsay Chuback
Chapter President
Ramaz Upper School, USA
Monal Gupta
Chapter President
Williamsville East High School, USA
Noshin Karim
Chapter President
Thomas A. Edison CTE High School, USA
Saranya Mandapaty
Marketing Director
West Windsor Plainsboro High School, USA
Snika Gupta
Editor/Chapter President
Brooklyn Technical High School, USA
Sofia McGrath
Chapter President
The Young Women's Leadership School of Queens, USA
Sydney Pastor
Chapter President
Pine Crest School, USA
Valeen Verango
Chapter President
John F. Kennedy High School, Guam
Contributing Writers
Aaron Nguyen
Fountain Valley High School, USA
Aashna Chavan
DuPont Manual High School, USA
Abram Tran
Westminster High School, USA
Adrienne Ma
R.C. Palmer Secondary School, Canada
Afsana Chowdhury
The Young Women's Leadership School of Queens
Aisha Chloe C. Camaquin
John F. Kennedy High School, Guam
Aleksandra Gavrilovic
Pine Crest School, USA
Alex Moss
Alfred Barbe High School, USA
Alexis Gogue
George Washington High School, Guam
Aliyan Nadeem
Beaconhouse Margalla, Turkey
Amy Nangia
Michael E. DeBakey High School, USA
Andrea Mojsoska
Nova International Schools, North Macedonia
Angelynn Tran
Fountain Valley High School, USA
Anya Puangsawas
Brooklyn Technical High School, USA
Ares Nguyen
Fountain Valley High School, USA
Armita Rohani
Williamsville East High School, USA
Arielle Nguyen
Fountain Valley High School, USA
Artiom Peshkur
Northfield Mount Hermon, USA
Audrey Tran
Fountain Valley High School, USA
Avni Kyal
Ramniwas Bajaj English High School, India
Aye Chan Mon
Forest Hills High School, USA
Ayushi Kasotia
Stephen F. Austin High School, USA
Belinda Li
Thomas S. Wootton High School, USA
Benjamin Woo
Fountain Valley High School, USA
Bianca Silvera
Ramaz Upper School, USA
Biruk Fantu
Williamsville East High School, USA
Blair Joselson
Pine Crest School, USA
Bobo Lin
Jones College Preparatory, USA
Bowen Zhou
St. Francis Preparatory School, USA
Bradley Truong
Fountain Valley High School, USA
Brendan Kaminski
Baldwin Senior High School, USA
Caroline Cronin
Fairfax High School, USA
Caroline Mora
Fountain Valley High School, USA
Carter Hoskins
Baldwin Senior High School, USA
Chrinnah Torres
John F. Kennedy High School, Guam
Claire Story
Dominican Academy, USA
Corlyn Sophia Tablante Salazar
John F. Kennedy High School, Guam
Daniel Le
Fountain Valley High School, USA
Dave Achonu
Baldwin Senior High School, USA
Dora Fields
Northport High School, USA
Dylan Nguyen
Fountain Valley High School, USA
Edward Shabatayev
Leon M. Goldstein High School for the Sciences, USA
Ela Selin Akgün
Işikkent High School, Turkey
Eliza Karel Gruta
Quezon City Science High School, Philippines
Ethan Thai
Westminster High School, USA
Evania Ernest
Williamsville East High School, USA
Fadwa Dalay
Lycée Mohamed 6, Morrocco
Faith Freeman
George Washington High School, Guam
Francesco Simeoni
Liceo Ginnasio Statale Giorgione, Italy
Freddy Buncay
St. Francis Preparatory School, USA
Gabrielle Alder
Ramaz Upper School, USA
Gabrielle Guzman
Columbia Grammar and Preparatory School, USA
Hana Zubair
Hussan International Academy, Pakistan
Helaina Leuca
Pine Crest School, USA
Henry Le
Westminster High School, USA
Hiba Syed
Quaz School, UK
Jacob Moran
Baldwin Senior High School, USA
Jaimah Nusrat
Williamsville East High School, USA
Janessa Angela Alerre
George Washington High School, Guam
Jasmine Nguyen
Fountain Valley High School, USA
Jaydaniah Quitugua
George Washington High School, Guam
Jayden Chung
Fountain Valley High School, USA
Jessica A. Dennehy
Williamsville East High School, USA
Jessica Park
Williamsville East High School, USA
Joshua Morgan
Fountain Valley High School, USA
Juan Valenciana
St. Francis Preparatory School, USA
Julie Arangio
Liceo Statale Niccolò Machiavelli, Italy
June Peers
Granada Hills Charter High School, USA
Katelyn Tran
Fountain Valley High School, USA
Kathlyn Phan
Fountain Valley High School, USA
Katie Ngo
Fountain Valley High School, USA
Keren Teichner
Ramaz Upper School, USA
Kevin Yacub
Tzu Chi Secondary School, Indonesia
Khloe Ferniz
Westminster High School, USA
Khoi Hoang
Fountain Valley High School, USA
Khondoker S. Alfe
The Young Women's Leadership School of Queens, USA
Kieran Schmitt
The Hawbridge School, USA
Krisha Gupta
Vibgyor High School, India
Kristie Kim
John F. Kennedy High School, USA
Kymberlyn Calderon
Baldwin Senior High School, USA
Lana Lai
Fountain Valley High School, USA
Lara Villard
Lakeland High School, USA
Lauren Coursey
Gatton Academy, USA
Leo Eigen
Ramaz Upper School, USA
Letícia Alves da Silva
Colégio Militar do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Lily Freilich
Ramaz Upper School, USA
Lily Sharkey
Dominican Academy, USA
Liviah Lewis
The Frisch School, USA
Lucia Xiao
The Brearley School, USA
Maggie Liu
Fountain Valley High School, USA
Mahmuda Tabassum
BAF SEMC, Bangladesh
Mai Shashua
Ramaz Upper School, USA
Maryam Bala
Brooklyn Technical High School, USA
Mary Isabelle Reyes
University of Santo Tomas Senior High School, Philippines
Miles Manolo
Okkodo High School, Guam
Matthew Fang
Williamsville East High School, USA
Monique Nguyen
Fountain Valley High School, USA
Nafeesa Choudhury
The Young Women's Leadership School of Queens
Nathaniel De La Cruz
Fountain Valley High School, USA
Naz Keskin
Yahya Akel Science High School, USA
Niamh Jones
Rougemont School, Wales
Paola Crespo
Troy University, USA
Paul Pham
Fountain Valley High School, USA
Rachel Truong
Fountain Valley High School, USA
Reggie Dao
Fountain Valley High School, USA
Reynold Borja
George Washington High School, Guam
Ridhi Garg
Williamsville East High School, USA
Rose Alexia Diño
John F. Kennedy High School, Guam
Roumaissae Bouaid
Mohamed 5 High School, Morocco
Saanvi Sharma
Williamsville East High School, USA
Samaira Mody
New York, USA
Samantha Zoltan
Ramaz Upper School, USA
Sarah Nguyen
Fountain Valley High School, USA
Sare Uluöz
Işikkent High School, Turkey
Sasi Kondru
Lebanon Trail High School, USA
Selin Samli
Pine Crest School, USA
Snika Gupta
Brooklyn Technical High School, USA
Sofia McGrath
The Young Women's Leadership School of Queens, USA
Soulava Gabr
Baldwin Senior High School, USA
Spandana Cheruvu
Williamsville East High School, USA
Stephanie Khoury
West Ranch High School, USA
Suhani Desai
Father Michael McGivney High School, Canada
Sydney Pastor
Pine Crest High School, USA
Sylvie Pagovich
Ramaz Upper School, USA
Taelor Mafnas
George Washington High School, Guam
Tracy Huynh
Fountain Valley High School, USA
Tsz Kiu Amanda Leung
Diocesan Girls' School, Hong Kong
Umma Habiba Begum
The Young Women's Leadership School of Queens, USA
Uy Pham
Fountain Valley High School, USA
Vincent Hoang
Fountain Valley High School, USA
Vladimir B. Lañada
John F. Kennedy High School, Guam
Zymy Le
Fountain Valley High School, USA
Notable Contributors
Ashlyn Tsang
STEAM News Collaborator
OurSayOnScience, Canada
Elle Salame
STEAM News Logo Design
Ramaz Upper School, USA
2023-24 Leadership Team
Audrey Tran
Graphic Designer/Chapter President
Fountain Valley High School, USA
Ashley Rechtschaffen
Chapter President
Ramaz Upper School, USA
Brendan Kaminski
Baldwin Senior High School, USA
Dave Achonu
Ambassador/Outreach Director
Baldwin Senior High School, USA
Dora Fields
Northport High School, USA
Gianna Goldfarb
Marketing Director/Photographer
Ramaz Upper School, USA
Grace Kejo
Haven of Peace Academy, Tanzania
Haylee Ramlakhan
Online Events Coordinator
The Scholar's Academy, USA
Janessa Angela Alerre
Chapter President
George Washington High School, Guam
Jasmine Nguyen
Graphic Designer/Chapter President
Fountain Valley High School, USA
Lindsay Chuback
Chapter President
Ramaz Upper School, USA
Mariam Dzidzikashvili
The Lawrence School, USA
Saranya Mandapaty
Marketing Director
West Windsor Plainsboro High School, USA
Monal Gupta
Chapter President
Williamsville East High School, USA
Samhita Prabhu
Marketing Director
McLean High School, USA
Sydney Pastor
Chapter President
Pine Crest School, USA
Tsz Kiu Amanda Leung
Diocesan Girls' School, Hong Kong