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Miles Manalo
Reynold Borja
Rose Alexia Diño
Seren Georgina A. Wilwayco
Taelor Mafnas
Vladimir B. Lañada
February 17, 2025
Kristie Kim
Can you believe a googly eye is peering down from space? As NASA’s Perseverance Rover–a rover for exploring the habitability rate of Mars–embarked on its quest to study the western boundaries of Jezero Crater, a potential host location for life on Mars, it uncovered an intriguing here to read more
January 29, 2025
Janessa Angela Alerre
The rise of neural engineering and brain-computer interfaces sheds light on a better future by unlocking a world of possibilities in medicine and human enhancement. One notable instance of this rising potential is Noland Arbaugh, a 30-year-old man who was paralyzed from the shoulders down and is now able to control a computer cursor using his here to read more
January 21, 2025
Corlyn Sophia Tablante Salazar
Have you ever taken a standardized test, like the SAT and have thought “How does this work?” Many standardized tests function differently, but self-adaptive or adaptive tests are one of the most common types of standardized tests. But what is self-adaptive standardized test-taking and how does it function? Computerized Adaptive Testing (CAT) is a method of testing, where the test varies in difficulty depending on the examinee’s ability and physiological condition. These tests vary depending on the mental state of the examinee. The questions on a test are selected from a pool of computed items by a computer algorithm or AI, while the examinee is still taking the test. Self-adaptive tests function the same way as CAT, but they allow the examinee to choose the type of questions they want for a more stress-free and accurate here to read more
November 27, 2024
Seren Georgina A. Wilwayco
In 2021, a company called Stichting Noordzee released a report regarding waste found in the Netherlands. Every 100 meters of a riverbank consists of virtually 500 pieces of waste. To combat this threatening issue, a team of engineers from Amsterdam have invented the Great Bubble Barrier. Co-founders Anne Marieke Eveleens and Philip Ehrhorn were disheartened by the normalization of waste in their waters. According to Ehrhorn, “I spend a lot of time in and around the water. And inevitably, at some point, you'll see plastic. And once you start seeing it, you'll see it everywhere.” here to read more
November 20, 2024
Aisha Chloe C. Camaquin
Infinity seems like an easy concept to grasp; it’s just things with no end, right? Well, when you venture deep into the idea, several paradoxes arise, such as the simple question of: are there more counting numbers, or even numbers? The answer is neither. Both sets of numbers are boundless, which means that they can be paired one-to-one. here to read more
November 19, 2024
Chrinnah Torres
As the Earth goes through its changes, New York as well is taking the initiative. Every year since 2009, the annual New York Climate Week hosted by the Climate Group assisted by the United Nations General Assembly occurs to ensure our globe is being taken care of by discussing climate change, striking an acceleration of good deeds in these here to read more
November 14, 2024
Rose Alexia Diño
Water scarcity is a pressing issue directly linked to population growth and climate change. As these factors intensify and worsen over time, the competition for clean water escalates, creating urgent global challenges that affect millions of lives. Under these circumstances, LifeStraw stands out as a beacon of hope. Founded by Torben Vestergaard Frandsen, LifeStraw evolved from his revolutionary idea, which was designed for the decontamination of Guinea worm larvae at the Carter Center, ultimately contributing significantly to the prevention of Guinea worm disease. Vestergaard’s simple creation of a plastic pipe filter to combat the disease led to a partnership with the Carter Center, and he sought out business-minded entrepreneurs to collaborate and expand his invention here to read more
October 18, 2024
Ashley Castaneda
Do you believe in the existence of dinosaurs? As the world evolves and humans gain new knowledge, scientists now can prove the existence of many species that have gone extinct before the first man walked the earth. Scientists or paleontologists, an individual who studies past geologic periods, can prove the existence of dinosaurs through fossils. Fossils are the remnants of an organism throughout the years that have been preserved in the earth’s crust. The first-ever discovery of a dinosaur fossil was founded by Mary Anning, who is the first and youngest woman here to read more
October 14, 2024
Alexis Gogue
Bioengineering is the process in which we apply engineering concepts to construct innovative inventions and ideas. We utilize bioengineering to improve efficiency and enhance our knowledge of technology, healthcare, science, agriculture, sustainability, and more! Bioengineering has flourished in becoming an essential component of today's modern health care system. The combination of traditional engineering and issues within our health care, biomedical treatments, and advanced machinery grants many opportunities and breakthroughs in providing the utmost care and service for here to read more
October 7, 2024
Aisha Chloe C. Camaquin
Neuroethology is the study of animal behavior and how it is affected by the nervous system. It combines concepts from neurobiology, the study of the nervous system, and ethology, the study of human and animal behavior, to explain why an animal acts the way it does in its natural environment. Let's take a look at toads and Jörg-Peter Ewert’s experiment to better understand this here to read more
October 2, 2024
Vladimir B. Lañada
Have you ever wondered how we got to understand our universe? Well, it's all thanks to telescopes. Originally used for observing distant objects on Earth like surveying the land, military, etc. In the 17th century, an astronomer named Galileo Galilei, refined the instrument to the point that it could be magnified thirty times. By increasing the magnification, it allowed the telescope to observe celestial objects such as the moon, Jupiter, and more. Centuries later, telescope technology rapidly became better to the point we have them orbiting around Earth, such as the Hubble Space here to read more
September 20, 2024
Seren Georgina A. Wilwayco
After years of science fiction media, the public revered wands and spells as products of the far future. Chu Junhao, a physicist from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, assisted in making a specific product come true. In regards to the new, light-manipulating invisibility cloak, he states, “Whether in real life or in the world of nature and animals there is a lot of 'invisibility', and this is not magic, it is a scientific means” here to read more
September 18, 2024
Alexis Gogue
Technology has proved to be an ever-growing and innovative asset in our everyday lives, from the computer you type on to the car you drive. It has truly become an essential part of our daily lives, shaping society and education. In particular, technology has played a vital role in transforming our education system, influencing everything from the devices we use to the methods we learn. As we move away from traditional lectures and hefty textbooks, we now benefit from advancements in digital learning. The vast array of online resources available at our fingertips is a testament to the impact of technology on here to read more
September 17, 2024
Reynold Borja
A bushfire (also known as a wildfire) is a natural disaster that can occur in many parts of the world. These fires can be unpredictable, devastating, and challenging to control. However, wildfires tend to be more frequent in drier regions like Africa, Australia, South America, Asia, and some parts of the United States, such as California, Oregon, and Arizona. Bushfires are typically caused by several factors including, dry weather, humid temperatures, and sometimes even human activities, such as neglected campfires and discarded cigarettes. Depending on the surrounding weather and terrain, these fires can rapidly expand across grasslands, forests, and other vegetation, creating immense destruction in the here to read more
September 12, 2024
Faith Freeman
The Red Planet, also known as Mars, is where elemental sulfurs’ discovery takes place, prompting a series of questions such as how, why, and what the rover found that makes us curious and compels us to continue reading this article. On May 30, 2024, NASA’s Curiosity (NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, located in Pasadena, California, and run by Caltech, the organization that constructed Curiosity) ran over a rock that broke it open and revealed yellow crystals. Later, scientists identified what exactly these yellow crystals are, elemental sulfur. Elemental sulfur may sound intriguing, but what exactly does it contain? More specifically, why is this so significant to our lives? Let’s explore these questions in more here to read more
September 10, 2024
Janessa Angela Alerre
In the past 3,500 years, CHamorus have taken advantage of the coconut – locally known as the niyok – and found a variety of ways to use it. For instance, coconut meat can be grated and used in kelaguen, a dish made with shrimp or chicken, and grated with coconut and lemon. It can create a sweet treat that’s popular among young children, coconut candy. However, people aren’t the only ones enjoying the niyok, as an invasive species has come to share it with us. On September 11, 2007, an invasive species, the coconut rhinoceros beetle, was discovered in Guam. The beetle’s population then skyrocketed, as prior to the invasion, coconut trees were the second most common tree on the island. So, how has this tiny creature affected the environment? here to read more
September 6, 2024
Rose Alexia Diño
The primary concern with fossil fuels is their impact on global warming. When coal, oil, and natural gas are burned, they produce energy while releasing large amounts of greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere—increasing average temperatures. Additionally, since fossil fuels are finite resources, their continued extraction will eventually lead to depletion. These issues create a growing need for cleaner alternatives to combat this issue – biogas being one of here to read more
August 22, 2024
Miles Charm Manalo
Humanity, like all living species, relies on Earth every day; however, scientists anticipate that other planets have an even greater potential than Earth to sustain life. Since plants are fundamental to the majority of our everyday resources, researchers have decided to examine them further. In 1946, the first attempt at growing plants during spaceflight was executed within the proximity of V-2 rockets, but no plant growth was recorded successfully at the here to read more
August 19, 2024
Janessa Angela Alerre
Robotic process automation (RPA) is quickly evolving, allowing robots to be easily built, deployed, and managed to mimic human actions. Vishnu KC, a senior software analyst lead at ClaySys Technologies further explains, “Robotic process automation is nothing but instructing a machine to execute mundane, repetitive manual tasks. If there is a logical step to performing a task, a bot will be able to replicate it”. It’s typically ideal for humans to do repetitive tasks, but RPA allows software robots to complete them faster and more consistently! However, it’s crucial to note that robotic process automation is not suited for all scenarios such as complex systems that change here to read more
May 15, 2024
Janessa Angela Alerre
For many years, spatial audio has been used to create more realistic and immersive experiences, in video games, virtual reality, and cinema experiences! You’ve probably heard of 3D or 4D audio, but what about 8D audio? Is the audio truly eight-dimensional? As fun as it may sound, 8D audio does not have eight dimensions. Instead, 8D audio plays tricks on your brain—making you assume you are listening to the music live. Though, how does this work? here to read more
February 26, 2024
Janessa Angela Alerre
The Potato Paradox, a brain teaser with the use of potatoes, is a mathematical calculation with counterintuitive results. To break it down, a paradox is a statement or situation that seems contradictory, though it expresses truth. The potatoes come into play as there is a contradiction of potatoes weighing more than it’s been here to read more
February 21, 2024
Chrinnah Torres
Back in 1949, the foundation of hydrogels induced the significance of a healing process. There were times when it would take a prolonged period to recover under certain conditions. However, now researchers have uncovered a rehabilitation medicine that can enhance muscle and nerve growth in the body. Whereas, this hydrogel injection could build up, meaning it restores the tissues when injured, and gives its desired robustness. When looking into this, it has summed up the needed care for an here to read more
February 20, 2024
Janessa Angela Alerre
Firefighters, notable figures who ensure the safety of communities, go through risky endeavors. According to the U.S. Fire Administration and National Fire Protection Association, there have been 60 and 100 firefighter line-of-duty deaths each year. Consequently, they cannot avoid hazardous situations where their lives are on the line—putting out the fire and rescuing people. However, firefighting personnel encounter situations where they cannot access the fire site. This is due to extremely high temperatures, or the presence of explosive materials. Under such circumstances, how is it possible to minimize the risk of death among firefighters as they try their best to save others? here to read more
December 15, 2023
Taelor Mafnas
Butterflies, beetles, peacocks, and plasmonic paints: one of these are notably different from the rest, but they all share similar properties in their coloration. Rich and rare colors can be found throughout nature, most significantly in butterfly wings, beetle elytra, and peacock feathers. Where do they get these colors, and why aren’t they more common in animals? Well, unlike other organisms, their colors don’t come from pigments but instead from their structure! Nano (super tiny) structures within these organisms manipulate how light reflects or is absorbed, producing the range of colors we see on here to read more
December 11, 2023
Jaydaniah Quitugua
Big data has become one of the most significant resources for innovation and decision-making in today's digital age. With continuously increasing amounts of data being generated every second, big data refers to the massive volume of structured and unstructured data that cannot be effectively managed by traditional database management systems. Other than its volume, big data is also characterized by its velocity and variety. It gathers data from a huge variety of sources. For example, social media platforms, online transactions, sensors, machines, and so much here to read more
December 6, 2023
Janessa Angela Alerre
Humans use their imagination to visualize potential outcomes or situations daily. For instance, we imagine how our presentation will go, how the next day will begin, how a home-cooked meal will taste, and much more. However, rats, the pests roaming in society, were recently discovered using their imagination to move digital objects! But how did they identify this ability? here to read more
November 17, 2023
Jaydaniah Quitugua
Dinosaurs are an extinct species that have been studied for many years through their fossils. The first recorded study occurred around the 1600s but wasn’t officially published until 1677. Since dinosaurs were extinct before the existence of human beings, there’s a lot unknown. Studies and theories are still being conducted. An example of the studies is fossilized dinosaur feathers. It has shown that dinosaur feathers have a very similar protein composition to those of modern here to read more
November 16, 2023
Taelor Mafnas
Pavements are the paths that bind our homes, businesses, states, and ultimately, families and communities together. Despite this, many people don’t know the history and processes that contributed to the convenience of our everyday lives. As bicycles became more prominent in the United States during the 1800s, bicyclists came together to kickstart the Good Roads Movement, highlighting the importance of quality roads for religious groups, farmers, and students. The support behind this movement led the federal government to begin looking into funding the transformation of traditional streets and organizations to form for the same here to read more
(Image Credit: iStock)
Math in the Real World: Jobs That Use Pythagoras' Theorem
November 14, 2023
Chrinnah Torres
From 1900 B.C. up until the present, the 21st century, the jobs associated with finding the missing length of a right triangle have had abundant amounts of impact on our world. Pythagoras’ Theorem is introduced in Algebra 1. It is also known as the Pythagorean Theorem when being taught in school. A bunch of major roles use this theorem for their everyday workspace. For example agriculture, aviation, construction, and so on. These jobs using Pythagoras’ Theorem have benefited our society. Without this discovery, our universe wouldn’t have evolved as it is today and stay as an here to read more
November 10, 2023
Janessa Angela Alerre
The term “social media” refers to the communication systems where individuals produce, share, and exchange information and ideas in virtual groups and networks. The largest social media platforms worldwide include YouTube, Instagram, WhatsApp, and Facebook. With teenagers having quick access to social media from their mobile devices, it becomes a daily and essential part of their lives. For instance, 95% of all youth between the ages of 13 and 17 have access to social media. Hence, the question arises, “What impact does social media have on adolescents?” First, it’s significant to acknowledge that it has positive and negative aspects on their mental health, views, and communication. Social media has allowed teens to communicate with others across geographic barriers, build awareness, and express themselves. However, it has also allowed teens to be cyberbullied, be exposed to inappropriate content, and develop self-esteem here to read more
October 4, 2023
Janessa Angela Alerre
Self-driving cars, or robotic cars, are vehicles that are capable of traveling without human intervention. They are nothing new in today’s society - the concept of an autonomous vehicle dates back to the 1900’s. In 1925, an electric engineer from New York, Francis Houdina, was the first to apply the idea of an autonomous vehicle, a car controlled through a here to read more
September 8, 2023
Janessa Angela Alerre
Every year, one billion trees worth of paper are utilized and discarded. Yet the increasing rate at which trees are cut down annually is abetted by the even quicker rate at which paper is discarded daily. Paper is made of a thin, non-woven material that is usually created from a blend of fibers and milled plants. Paper can be used in a plethora of ways, such as writing, drawing, wrapping, printing, etc. After it has finished its assumed purpose, this paper is too quickly thrown away and the vast majority of it ends up in landfills. This means that we are effectively taking away from our habitats for a purpose that also adversely impacts our planet. These facts are simply ignored by the general public, and thus, plantable seed paper presents a promising solution to this here to read more
September 4, 2023
Janessa Angela Alerre
Charles Darwin, born on February 12, 1809, living in Shrewsbury, England, grew up intrigued by the world around him. During his childhood, he spent his time reading nature books and collecting plants and insects from the fields and woodlands surrounding his home. He happened to come from a family of scientists. For instance, his grandfather, Dr. Erasmus Darwin, was a renowned botanist, and his father, Dr. R.W Darwin, was a medical here to read more